Complete Peace of Mind, Support & Security

Run Your Business Without The Hassle

Welcome! We are Pentre Tech. If you want your company to have IT that works so you can generate more income or be able to sleep at night knowing your business is protected from cyber attacks then you're in the right place.

Hassle-free IT & security you can trust

Running a business is hard enough, we get it. And the last thing you need is out of date, broken or ineffective IT slowing you down or adding to the stress. That's where we come in. At Pentre Tech we have over 20 years of award winning experience helping businesses like yours do what it needs to do without having to worry about technology failing them. With our IT support and security services, you can breathe easy knowing your data is safe, your systems are running smoothly, and your tech is helping your business grow. And if any problems pop up, we're here to fix them ASAP (and sometimes before you even know it).

Our Support is Amazing

Considering switching IT support companies?

Before you do anything else, have a read of our handy guide. This will tell you everything you need to know about switching support companies: Why you want a partner that thinks strategically. The reasons business owners and managers like you switch IT support providers. How to protect the most important asset your business owns. And why you should be highly sceptical of all IT support businesses.